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韶关学院学者论坛第489期:Quartz Crystal Microbalance Technique for Analysis of Crystallization: MSZW, Solubility, Supersaturation and Phase Transformation


1226(周一)19:00时将图书馆一楼学术报告厅举办韶关学院学者论坛第489期:“ Quartz Crystal Microbalance Technique for Analysis of Crystallization: MSZW, Solubility, Supersaturation and Phase Transformation,特邀韩国Kyung Hee大学 Woo-Sik Kim博士、博导、教授主讲。主办:图书馆、化学与环境工程学院。欢迎广大师生踊跃参加!


    Woo-Sik Kim received his BS degree in Chemical Engineering from Seoul National University in 1982, MS degree from KAIST in 1984, and PhD degree from Pennsylvania State University in 1992. He joined Kyung Hee University in 1994. One of his research interests is to apply the QCM technique to analyze the crystallization processes of the crystal nucleation, growth and supersaturation.